
Need help buying food? CalFresh can help when money is tight.

CalFresh is a grocery assistance program that offers low-income individuals and families a supplemental monthly benefit. CalFresh helps people buy the food they need when money is tight.


Who’s Eligible?

CalFresh is for everyone — employed and unemployed individuals, families, seniors, people with disabilities, active and non-active military personnel, and those experiencing homelessness. If you’re within the income limits, you may be eligible. As of June 1st, 2019, recipients of SSI/SSP benefits may be eligible for CalFresh. Applying for CalFresh will not change your SSI/SSP benefits.

We Can Help

Our team can help determine if you are eligible and walk you through the application process. Think you’re not eligible? We can also help you locate other food resources. Interpreter services available in most languages.

Contact a member of our team by calling 925-603-3316, filling out the CalFresh contact form or book a phone call.

CalFresh Income Guidelines

October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025

People in HouseholdMaximum Income Monthly
Each additional member+ $898

Schedule a Call

We're here to help! Book a phone call with a member from our team.

Frequently Asked Questions About CalFresh

Undocumented immigrants who do not qualify should apply for their children who are legal residents or born in the U.S. Applying for or receiving CalFresh will not count against you when you apply to become a citizen of the U.S. (CalFresh is not a public charge). At least one member of the household must have a valid social security number.

As of June 1st, 2019, recipients of SSI/SSP benefits may be eligible for CalFresh. Applying for CalFresh will not change your SSI/SSP benefits.

  • You own your house or mobile home.
  • You own a car, truck or motorcycle.
  • You receive SSI/SSP benefits.
  • You have a savings or retirement account.
  • You are experiencing homelessness, and do not have an address or a place to cook.

Check out our CalFresh for college students page for more information.

Questions about the CalFresh Program? Contact our CalFresh team at or 925-603-3316.

Is your organization interested in becoming a CalFresh partner?

The Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano serves an immense need in our communities. CalFresh is another layer of assistance to help our neighbors. CalFresh is a grocery assistance program that offers low-income individuals and families a supplemental monthly benefit. CalFresh helps people buy the food they need by easing the burden of grocery shopping.

The Food Bank’s team of outreach coordinators is here to partner with community organizations in Contra Costa, Solano and Napa counties to reach more neighbors who may be food insecure.

CalFresh is for everyone — employed and unemployed individuals, families, seniors, people with disabilities, those experiencing homelessness, and active or non-active military personnel. If your clients are within the income limits, they may be eligible! Applying for CalFresh will not change clients’ SSI/SSP benefits.

Outreach Partner: Distribute CalFresh outreach materials to your clients.

Referral Partner: Submit CalFresh client referrals to the CalFresh team via email or text.

Host Partner: Host and promote a CalFresh enrollment workshop at your site. The Food Bank’s CalFresh team will help organize.

CalFresh Presentation: The Food Bank will come to you or meet via Zoom and present about CalFresh and eligibility requirements.

The materials provided here are aimed to help your organization promote CalFresh and reach more neighbors who may be food insecure. Thank you for your partnership. Please link graphics to

CalFresh Flyer (8.5″x11″)

CalFresh Flyer_ENG (English)   |   CalFresh Flyer_ESP (Español)

CalFresh Income Guidelines (8.5″x11″)

CalFresh Brochures

CalFresh_ENG_brochure_web (English)   |   CalFresh_SPN_brochure_web (Español)

Web Graphics – Square 1080 x 1080 pixels

CalFresh helps you buy groceries / CalFresh ayuda a las familias a comprar comestibles.     Help is available / Hay Auda Disponible /   

Social Media Copy

Most grocery stores, farmers markets and retail food outlets accept CalFresh benefits. #CalFresh can be used to purchase food items like fruits, vegetables, beans, meats, dairy products, rice, bread and other staples. Apply today at

QR Code


Food Bank Logos

Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano

Large Scale (1210 x 439)

Small Scale (227 x 79)

CalFresh Logo


Questions about becoming a CalFresh partner? Contact Mallory Olmstead, CalFresh Outreach Program Manager, at or 925-849-8342.

Already a CalFresh Partner? Check out our CalFresh training dates.