CalFresh for College
Are you one of 3 million college students eligible to get help buying food?
CalFresh, also known as SNAP, is a nutrition benefit program that can provide students with additional resources to purchase food. Benefits are deposited monthly on a plastic Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card that works like an ATM or debit card and can be used to buy groceries at most grocery stores, local markets, farmers’ markets and even online.
CalFresh Can Help!
It’s estimated that 3 million Californians are eligible for CalFresh but are not participating. While many eligible college students across California are utilizing the CalFresh program to ensure that they have the resources to purchase food and reach their educational goals, many are not. Are you eligible?

You could be eligible for CalFresh if you meet the basic requirements:
- U.S citizen, permanent resident or refugee.
- Under age 22 and am not living with a parent or guardian.
- Meet the gross monthly household income limits listed below
CalFresh Income Guidelines
October 1 through September 30
People in Household | Maximum Income Monthly |
1 | $2,510 |
2 | $3,408 |
3 | $4,304 |
4 | $5,200 |
5 | $6,098 |
6 | $6,994 |
7 | $7,890 |
8 | $8,788 |
Each additional member | + $898 |
Are you considered a college student under this program?
- Are you taking at least 6 units or considered half time?
- Are you between the ages of 18-49?
- Are you physically and mentally fit to work?
If you answered NO to any of the above questions, you simply need to meet the basic requirements listed to the left.
If you answered YES to all of these questions, you need to meet the basic requirements to the left, plus at least one of the following:
- Work 20 hours a week or 80 hours a month
- Enrolled in a CalFresh-approved Employment and Training program
- Approved for a TANF-funded CalGrant A or B
- Enrolled in an LPIE program
- Approved for work study and anticipate working during the school term
- Do not expect to be enrolled next term
- Responsible for the care of a dependent in the household, who is under 6 or a child who is under 12 without adequate childcare
- Single parent responsible for the care of a dependent under 12
- Receiving California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to kids (CalWORKS) or Tribal TANF
- Enrolled in Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
- Enrolled in an on-the-job training program