When Two Incomes Aren’t Enough: Meet the Medinas

Sometimes two full-time jobs aren’t enough to support a family in the Bay Area. Jorge and Silvia Medina of Richmond work hard to provide for their young boys. However, their combined incomes don’t cover all of their basic expenses.

Jorge recently switched to the night shift at the high-end restaurant he works at in Marin County, so he and his wife could save on daycare expenses. It means less time together as a family, but it also means being able to pay more bills.
They consider themselves to be luckier than some because their friend is currently renting an apartment to them at a below-market rate. They do, however, worry about the future because the property is up for sale.
Receiving supplemental groceries from our Food Assistance Program allows the Medinas to pay for other necessary expenses like utilities, transportation to get to work, and mandated public school uniforms for the kids. 
By helping the Medinas and other struggling families today, our supporters are giving our youngest generation opportunities to thrive tomorrow!